C42 Bouquet for Mary |
| Would you believe that I don't actually know a Mary and so have never had a Bouquet for Mary, however when I made this block that was the name that appeared in my head and so it remained. |
C42 The Two of Us
The colour of the fabric suggested Ruby Red for this block. All of the bits in the block looked like a pile of gems.
C42 Ruby Red
As each of the sections was made of two identical sections The Two of Us seemed the right name for this block. Funny isn't it sometimes there is no reason a name just seems to suit.
C42 Twirling Dervish |
On one of our holidays we saw some dancers who are known as Twirling Dervish. It was wonderful how their 'dresses' swirled. I suppose I should have named a block that spun out with the points in the centre rather than one the edge as in my block
To me this block suggested someone playing that game where they are blindfolded and they try to find people with someone calling out 'warm', 'cold' or 'warmer'. Their arms are outstretched as they are Reaching Out trying to tip someone.
C42 Reaching Out
Within was named because you had a star within another star
C42 Christabella |
Christabella came from the fact of the fabric being beautiful, so bella and Chris was a friend who gave the fabric to me.
C42 Within |
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